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Answers to Trauma-Sensitive Questions in Ms. Jen’s Quick Guides

Repeating patterns in a plant

I teach trauma-sensitive teams how to notice the need and meet the need with individuals, groups, and entire school systems. Often, educators in live seminars respond with really good questions. Other folks likely have similar wonderings but may not be present for my responses. That’s why I’ve created new quick guides co-authored with different trauma-informed […]

Moving from Reactivity to Intentionality

Photo of the upper part of a bridge with several lines crossing over one another as part of the structure

This school year I’ve asked educators to consider what they’d like to move away from and what they’d like to move towards as they continue to build trauma-sensitive schools. Many have shared that they would like their teams to shift from reactivity to intentionality in their trauma-sensitive practices. I have responded with an enthusiastic, “Yes, […]

Trauma-Informed Play Therapy: Attunement is Key

Pastel drawing of a house trees, and nature by Iveta Vaicule

Play therapy is a powerful approach to working with children, including those who have experienced trauma. As a school-based registered play therapist, I’ve used play therapy in my work with both children and adolescents. What is play therapy, and how does it benefit youth? Also, what is trauma-informed play therapy? And, how might licensed professionals […]

Self-Care Stickies for Educators

Self-Care Stickies for Educators in the New Year

Learn how to improve your self-care practices using self-care stickies. Keep reading for step-by-step instructions. Happy New Year (if you celebrate that at this time of year)! It can be a great time to set personal goals. I will lose 50 pounds. I will start exercising every day. I will cut out all processed foods […]