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The Trauma Informed Educators Network Podcast

Listen to Ms. Jen on the Trauma Informed Educators Network Podcast

Thank you to Mathew Portell for inviting me to be interviewed on the Trauma Informed Educators Network Podcast this morning. I very much enjoyed our conversation. Additionally, I felt amazed by how much information we discussed in just about an hour. We packed in lots of good stuff. For instance, I gave a detailed example […]

Student Behavior: If Not a Sticker Chart, Then What?

Student Behavior: If Not a Sticker Chart, Then What?

I wrote an earlier version of this article about improving student behavior that was published in the Attachment & Trauma Network’s December (2015) Therapeutic Parenting Journal. That issue focused on creating trauma-sensitive schools. In 2020, I updated that article for this post. Understanding how childhood trauma impacts student behavior and learning in schools is critical. […]