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Using Brain Books to Help Students Learn Regulation Skills

Cover of child's pink brain book that says brain book

Using brain books, I start teaching about the nervous system in second grade for all students, but other educators start even younger. In their unit with me, students master understanding of how the downstairs brain and upstairs brain help us. They also learn to explain the jobs of the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex while […]

The Trauma Informed Educators Network Podcast

Listen to Ms. Jen on the Trauma Informed Educators Network Podcast

Thank you to Mathew Portell for inviting me to be interviewed on the Trauma Informed Educators Network Podcast this morning. I very much enjoyed our conversation. Additionally, I felt amazed by how much information we discussed in just about an hour. We packed in lots of good stuff. For instance, I gave a detailed example […]

Lend a Hand to Traumatized Youth

Lending a Hand to Traumatized Youth

Relationships between trauma-sensitive educators and traumatized children must include both nurture and challenge. When should educators lean more into nurturing? And, when is it better to challenge? Read the post below to better understand answers to these questions. You’ll also learn how to lend a hand for traumatized youth to encourage young children to move […]

Mindful Minutes in Your Classroom

Photo of children doing yoga while seated on the floor with eyes open

Daily trauma-sensitive mindfulness practice at school can help youth and adults get regulated. When I introduce the concept of mindfulness to students of any age, I describe it as practicing a calm body, caring heart, and focused mind. When I introduce the concept of mindfulness to students of any age, I describe it as practicing […]

The River of Feelings Improves Regulation

Aerial view of a river surrounded by trees

Thanks so much to everyone who joined my webinar with Brookes Publishing this week. I enjoyed teaching you about the River of Feelings, which is a visual from my new book Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools: Your Guide to Creating Safe, Supportive Learning Environments for All Students. Participants shared excellent questions and gave positive feedback. You truly warmed […]

Ms. Jen’s Two Cents Will Help You Help Kids

Ms. Jen's Two Cents

Educators often tell me that short videos where you could hear me explaining how I might communicate with youth would help you help kids. I listened to you and am excited to roll out something new! Check out the very first episode of Ms. Jen’s Two Cents! In these short videos, I will share tips about […]

Grounding Technique for Students and Staff

Grounding Exercise

It’s nearly back to school time for many of us as educators! It’s exciting. Of course, it can also be stressful. When experiencing stress responses, it can be helpful for students and staff in trauma-sensitive environments to use a grounding technique. Think of this as a way to help bring folks to the present time […]

Student Behavior: If Not a Sticker Chart, Then What?

Student Behavior: If Not a Sticker Chart, Then What?

I wrote an earlier version of this article about improving student behavior that was published in the Attachment & Trauma Network’s December (2015) Therapeutic Parenting Journal. That issue focused on creating trauma-sensitive schools. In 2020, I updated that article for this post. Understanding how childhood trauma impacts student behavior and learning in schools is critical. […]