
Relationships First: How to Improve Schoolwide Trauma-Sensitivity

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Everyone plays an important role in improving trauma-sensitive practices schoolwide. It all starts with establishing a relationships-first culture. Learn how noncertified faculty can partner with certified educators to create safe, support learning environments for youth of all ages in Ms. Jen’s new free guide!

Dear Reader,

I’m Jen Alexander–an experienced trauma-informed educator, author, consultant, trainer, and international speaker. I’m relentless for school change and passionate about helping you support kids, other adults, and yourself as we prioritize being safe and feeling safer together in trauma-sensitive learning environments. 

Whether you’re a certified or non-certified educator, you engage in a critical role in our schools. Unfortunately, educators are too often under-resourced and may feel under-appreciated. We need to change that within our educational systems so you are given the supports you need to do your job well, and be cared for while you’re doing it. I also want to support you in learning trauma-sensitive practices that can help you help support youth health, attendance, behavior, and learning.

Meeting the needs of every single learner–even the ones who are presenting with disruptive behaviors–is essential to ensuring everyone’s access to quality education. You and your school community are likely experiencing a crisis in both behavior and learning right now. Educators are burning out and quitting in large numbers. We must ask (and answer) questions about how we can honestly acknowledge and meet these challenges in ways that are effective, using the resources we have now—all while simultaneously advocating for additional ones.

Simply put: Kids need us, and they need one another.

As educators, we need each other in community too.

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the needs in your setting or worried about the behaviors that occur at school, I’ve written a new *free* guide that I’m excited to share with you.

While there is no quick fix or magic wand, there is much that will make a difference. It all starts with relationships, and we need every educator–certified and noncertified—contributing to a relationship-first culture.

I’m ready to help you improve these skills!

Your Next Steps...

1. Download and read my new free guide to learn about putting relationships first, especially as a noncertified educator.

2. Subscribe and watch my new YouTube Lives—happening most months on day 10 @ 5:30 pm Central Time. You can also catch each one on replay!

Here for you,


Ms Jen welcome message