Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools Blog
If Not a Sticker Chart, Then What? Trauma-Sensitivity is Science
An earlier version of this article about addressing big behaviors at school was published in the Attachment & Trauma Network’s December (2015) Therapeutic Parenting Journal.
Trauma-Sensitive Educators are a Sign of Hope
Hope is a word I struggled with for a number of years because it was too often used superficially. I’ve since studied the topic and
Quit Making it Worse: Three Trauma-Sensitive Steps for Educators
Especially after a short presentation, educators will sometimes say to me, “We’re going to take this slow and start small.” While I understand the sentiment,
Lessons on Reflective Supervision from Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh and friends offer lifelong lessons on topics of all kinds. Here I connect the characters to the process of reflective supervision. Whether
Working Memory is a Superpower—Learn How to Support it
When students are disengaged, educators often respond with, “It’s time to focus.” Or, “You’re choosing not to do the work.” . Maybe you’ve done this.
“You’ve Got a Friend in Me” And… I’m Relentless for School Change
James Taylor sums up a lot of life lessons in his songs—one of which is the importance of being a friend. Life’s painful for all