Supporting Students and Staff After COVID-19: Your Trauma-Sensitive Back-to-School Transition Plan releases this month. I wrote it for every educator who is wondering how to support students in the wake of the pandemic. COVID-19 is a collective trauma that is affecting everyone, although not in the same ways. Importantly, these stressors are impacting you, as an educator, your loved ones, and your students. Learn more about my new book in the video below.
Many worry that a failure to reopen brick-and-mortar school buildings will increase difficulties for families. With accelerated spread of the virus, however, it may not be safe to go back to face-to-face learning right away. For those who do, everyone must realize that people can’t genuinely feel safe if they aren’t actually safe.
Everyone must realize that people can’t genuinely feel safe if they aren’t actually safe.
If you’re returning to face-to-face learning despite the risks, experts recommend social distancing in classrooms (as much as possible within crowded buildings that often have poor ventilation). Districts may or may not require face coverings. While absolutely necessary, these safety measures will change how folks connect. Especially with stress levels high, students and adults will need closeness to get regulated at the very time it’s not allowed in typical ways. How then will educators support students and staff after COVID-19? It’s time to get creative!
To help you get started, we made a video for younger students that includes playful back-to-school tips to help kids greet one another in socially distanced ways. Take a look and consider showing it to your students. Also, please share your new ideas for helping everyone be connected this fall. Let’s get some ideas for teens in the comments too! By working together, we can support students and staff after COVID-19.
To Learn More…
- Read this Brookes Publishing Q&A about about my new book Supporting Students and Staff After COVID-19.
- Explore an excerpt from my new ebook here or purchase it here.
- Learn tips I wrote for educators and parents as well as school leaders over on the Brookes Publishing blog. Additionally, watch my Brookes Publishing webinars about helping stressed educators and supporting stressed students.
- Check out the amazing free resources for online community building that Equity Bound and OneHE developed.
- Purchase trauma-sensitive post cards from Ms. Jen’s Shop that you can send or give to students to remind them how much you care during stressful times.
No matter how you’re teaching and learning when school starts, I wish you the very the best in the new year. Stay safe and take good care!
You are not alone,

#BuildingTraumaSensitiveSchools #COVID-19 #BackToSchool2020 #FeelSafe #BeConnected